Video Training (VT)

I began to provide Video Training back in 2016 when my son Ryan left home at 16 to play for the Fort McMurray Oil Barons. Suffice to say it was a long drive to Fort McMurray (9 hours) from Calgary, so I did not get to watch too many games in person, so I watched via a streaming service.
After each of Ryan’s shifts I would text him, a comment providing guidance and often I would watch the shift or parts of it 2 or 3 times to get context so that I could provide the CORRECT guidance. Ater the game we would review my comments and sometimes watch the game again and we would discuss my comments, allot of learning occurred.
The time spent was one way I could support Ryan and improve his game. It really worked for Ryan as he quickly became the best D man in the AJHL advancing to Yale University then turning Pro.
The Team also had video work, but this work, our work was, 1 on 1, training where only he benefitted directly from my inputs and knowledge. He was 100% of the focus. At one point I asked him if he wanted me to continue as I thought I might have been overbearing and he enthusiastically said, “yes of course Dad”. I probably did this for him for 140 games. Ryan now plays professional hockey and is an amazing D man.
After a VT session there is clarity and congruence amongst the player and their parents. There are no arguments in families after a good video session and many mistakes and misconceptions are addressed in a positive and often humorous learning environment.
Good VT will allow me to then design on ice drills to address deficiencies if the Player is local, I am currently working with players in 2 countries and several provinces’. Clients are ages 8 to 17.
VT is a huge component of the professional leagues, and each team has made a significant investment into VT. Players can often spend more time in VT than on the ice.
Parents are invited to participate. Most Parents provide their views on hockey to their players with varying degrees of success and uptake. When we all work together, education increases and confusion decreases. I like to include the Parents! When we all work together discussions are had and clarity is provided to the Player. It pays to be consistent. This fact alone is worth the price of admission.
A VT session is full of both negatives and positives, and I do my best to be humorous and to connect with the players (sometimes there are even Pushups involved as we bet on outcomes ha ha).
There is no yelling and no bad moments simply positives and negatives being pointed out with solutions and understanding. WIN WIN WIN!!!!!!
The best part is the small-time commitment and low cost needed to make this happen. No travel, no arena we all learn from home on our time.
To date I have very effectively trained:
Coaches, I have spent many hours assisting Coaches, highlighting weaknesses, teaching the game and strategies and tactics. Coaches need help as they are the leaders, and I am glad to help.
- Discussing tactics & strategies.
- Planning practices.
- Raising Coaches Hockey IQ’s.
- Reassuring coaches.
Players aged 8 – 18 as long as your player is interested and can learn they will enjoy the VT work.
- I like to have the players take notes as we chat.
Teams or subsets of Teams. VT sessions should be for select audiences:
- All D men
- 1 Forward Line etc.
- 1 hour spent with a single player or a D partnership or the 3 linemates is of ENORMOUS value.
- E.g. I train 2 d-men and 4 parents for 1 hour 6 people learn a great deal for $ 75.00. Best money spent period.
- Referees (I have the added knowledge of having refereed for 35 years.)
- The players are sent a recording of the VT afterwards to revisit for years.
Step 1: Email, call or text Coach 587-888-1097,
Step 2: We will pick a mutually beneficial time that suits all parties.
Step 3: Select a good video. Typically, I use Live streaming and systems such as Live Barn and Flo.
- Use entire games.
- Make sure the camera is seeing 50 to 70% of the ice (we need context and perspective.
- Make sure the camera is looking down.
- Video segments of a single player are ineffective.
- Make sure we can stop and start the action.
Step 4: Coach will create a zoom meeting we can spend 30 mins and up to 2 hours as needed.
Step 5: The VT session begins.
- The VT is recorded and later sent to the Player.
- The Player sends Coach an email of lessons learned.
Step 6: Pay Coach, the cost is $ 75.00per hour PLUS GST = $ 78.75.
Step 7: Coach will create a zoom meeting we can spend 30 mins and up to 2 hours as needed.